uhm.. let's be real for a sec, shall we?
how do you know if this course is for you? you'll say a resounding 'yes' after reading the paragraph below...
😥 You don’t really want this job you have right now. You know very well this is a job you wouldn't want to continue doing in the next coming years.
🚌 You don’t like the idea of commuting every single day to work. Traffic in your area is bothersome & it drains your energy.
👩🏼 You don’t like how your workmates aren’t the type of people you can ‘actually’ hang out with.
🪙 You don’t like how your income is too little that it just covers the expenses or just paycheck to paycheck.
😭 You don’t like how you go to vacations and after 2-3 short days, you go back to “reality”, grind again, and make your boss rich.
Imagine knowing all of this and not starting a career that can change the trajectory of your life.
How long will you stay complacent? 🤕
You'll continue in this hamster wheel and you'll never know when this ends.
Unless... you end that today. 😤
Awareness + solution = a solved problem. You are aware. Now you have a solution (this course, of course!)
Let’s solve that problem!
🥰 Your goal is to have a fulfilling career that you know for a fact you are willing to spend more time on. A career that you enjoy.
😌 You like being in the comfort of your own home, waking up when you want to, doing work when you want to. Time-freedom.
🤝 You want clients and workmates who’d be able to teach you a lot of things in an everyday for perpetual growth. You feel great when that happens. Valuable connections.
💸 You want to have an income with no ceiling and a lifestyle business that helps you create the life that you love.
It just SEEMS overwhelming because right now you don't know exactly how to do that...YET.
Plus, with the rise of AI and the number of freelancers in the marketplace, other freelancers are scared to tell you their secrets.
I don't. I'm here to give you ALL THE INFORMATION that you need for an entry price you won't regret.
Allow me to shed light on freelancing so all of us can enjoy this type of lifestyle business and start creating the life that we love!
You deserve to know. I gotchu! 💜

my promise: you can start freelancing right away through begin freelancing workshop!
word of caution: The only reason why you cannot start freelancing after this course is when you do not take action.
This mini-course contains incredibly fast-action items that will help you start freelancing right after you watch the course 💜

what's inside this mini-course?
i thought you'd never ask 😉 check out these lesson teasers (excerpts from the lessons inside) below & the rest of its features

An actionable & concise mini-course on freelancing, so that you can change your life for the better. It contains: Introduction to Freelancing, Mindset Shifts, The Ultimate Freelancing Blueprint (all valued at $3000)

Begin Freelancing Worksheet (valued $100):
This worksheet aids your action-taking course and make sure you have a tangible result after finishing the program

Mobile-app (valued at $1000):
You can watch the course in a mobile app for mobility & flexibility. Download the app and view the lessons on the go!

PDF version of the course presentation (valued at P2500)
The presentation that was used in the mini-course is converted into PDF to help you further should you need to go back to the lessons without going back to the video course.

100 Social Media Templates (valued at P5000):
These social media templates can help you get started as a social media manager, or start your social media presence

Ultimate Outreach Scripts (valued at P5000):
These scripts will help you on constructing emails, messages and texts upon facing your prospect clients so you'd always know what to say!
now available to you for only P800! 💜
This course is brought to you by:
Demi Bernice Ornopia
From a freelance sales funnel marketing strategist to a digital marketing online course creator to a digital marketing agency owner, Demi has been wearing many hats but her work has always revolved around digital marketing with only one goal in mind---to help sell anything to anyone. She believes that the power of digital marketing can change the trajectory of people’s lives as it did hers. Thus, she never stops teaching others how to take advantage of it, with now over 6000 students around the Philippines and the world.
"Things always come around. Go find a way or make one."

1️⃣ STEP 1: Click on the yellow 'Enroll Now' button above. A new page will open up.
2️⃣ STEP 2: Process the payment in the page you will be redirected to. Enter the necessary information required to you by your payment provider. Please note that all payments are final and are non-refundable.
3️⃣ STEP 3: Once payment is done, kindly send us the email address you used upon enrolling so that we can crosscheck if your payment went through. You may message us via 3 ways:
1.) The purple message widget at the bottommost part of your screen.
2.) The Demi Bernice FB Page.
3.) You may also reply to any of our emails.
Please note to choose only one (1) channel as we are able to receive in any of them. It will save you and our team the time to answer your queries & giving you access.
4️⃣ STEP 4: Please wait for your access to be given within 24 hours. We give your access manually, so please bear with us. Our team is most likely online during 10AM-8PM.
For any questions, please don't hesitate to message us through the purple widget at the bottom of the screen.
got questions? i got answers.
This is a set of frequently asked questions that are asked by our wanna-be students. Read through them as you may have the same Qs. It'll save you time in messaging us and waiting for our reply.
does this course offer lifetime access?
is this a live class or self-paced?
do i get to have email or call support in this course?
are there hidden charges after enrolling to this course?
Copyright © 2023 | Strive for Excellence by Demi Bernice