$21.00 USD

What are you going to email your first 1000 leads?

Worry no more! With these 10 Sales Crushing Email Templates, you can turn your leads into loyal buyers without the stress of crafting the perfect message. These templates ensure your first 10 emails are not just written, but optimized for conversion.

Make the smart move—add this swipe file to your cart for just $14 and watch your sales grow! ⬇️⬇️⬇️

Your First 1000 Leads

Unlock the Full Potential of Your Business with 'Your First 1000 Leads'

When you enroll today, you'll gain access to three transformative modules designed to turn your digital marketing efforts into a robust lead-generating machine:

  • Module 1: Crafting Your Lead Magnet Funnel (valued at $500)

    Dive into the essentials of creating your first lead magnet funnel. From conception to execution, you'll learn how to design a funnel that not only attracts a steady flow of leads but sets the foundation for lasting business growth.

  • Module 2: Driving Traffic and Expanding Reach (valued at $500)

    Master the basics of generating leads with Facebook ads and discover powerful content marketing strategies. This module equips you with the tools to effectively reach and engage potential leads, turning your content into a powerful lead magnet itself.

  • Module 3: Converting Leads into Loyal Customers (valued at $500)

    Explore advanced funnel strategies that transform interested leads into loyal customers and raving fans. Learn to optimize the most valuable parts of your funnel to maximize conversions and customer retention.

Exclusive Bonuses Included with Your Enrollment:

  • Dual Learning Options

    Choose your preferred learning style: engage with our dynamic video lessons or download presentation slides for a quicker review. This dual-channel approach ensures you can learn and revisit material in the way that suits you best.

  • Mobile App Access for Learning on the Go (valued at $997)

    Stay connected and keep learning, no matter where you are, with free access to our mobile app. It’s designed to make your educational experience flexible and accessible across all your devices.

  • 100 Customizable Social Media Templates (Valued at $500)

    Elevate your social media game with our collection of professionally designed templates. Customize them to maintain a consistent, engaging brand presence that resonates with your audience.

  • Extended 30-Day Kajabi Trial (valued at $200)

    Take advantage of an extended trial period with Kajabi, the premier platform for building online courses and marketing funnels. Explore its features at no extra cost and start building your digital empire.

  • Lifetime Access to Course Updates (Priceless!)

    Secure ongoing access to all current and future course materials. As the digital landscape evolves, so will your strategies. Stay ahead of the curve with continuous updates and new content.

Total value: $3197
Now yours today for only

only $21 👋🏽




We're so confident in the value 'Your First 1000 Leads' will bring to your business that we offer a 100% refund within the first 7 days if you're not fully satisfied, provided less than 50% of the course has been consumed. We want you to feel secure in your investment—because we know it’s going to pay off.



For any questions or clarifications, please don't hesitate to contact us via the purple message button placed on the bottommost right of your screen. ⬇️⬇️⬇️

P.S. If the button doesn't work on your end, please contact us via the Demi Bernice FB Page Messenger. In either ways, we'll respond in less than 24 hours.